The MLab faculty are participants in a grant project with faculty from across campus, which was earned by winning the Collaborative Collision competition, sponsored by the Florida State University in the Spring of 2022. Our role in the project is to develop an application that generates binaural beats, combined with relaxing music, generated by an Artificial Intelligence agent. The poster was presented on May 19, at the Clinical Trials event, held at the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital atrium, sponsored by the Office of Sponsored Research.
AI-agent-generated (synthetic) music, and (synthetic) art will be used to explore the use of these media as a palliative care tool, packaged in a tablet-based application. AI-based music and art will include binaural beats. These are aural effects that have been shown to induce relaxation. In the current context, this may prove useful as a palliative tool to assist therapists to administrate treatments that are perceived to be stressful.
The music and art will be generated by AI agents which will be trained by the researchers to create various media tracks. These may include audio and visual tracks of various environmental sounds (with animation) infused with binaural sound effects. The research team will explore the integration and use of art, music, and combinations of art and music infused with binaural beats to identify the optimal use of synthetic media in this context.
The result was a tablet-based tool that plays back synthetic art and music for the purpose of helping patients to feel relaxed during stressful procedures. Included in this platform will be a selection of synthetic sounds and art (individually or combined), along with headphones. A platform that offers a system to generate music or art of any style, on-demand, is currently out of scope.
Also included in this work will be an assessment of using AI chat agents as a user interface to generate on-demand art and music. While training a chat engine that might be used in a product is currently out of scope for the time and budget offered in the current seed funding. Some funds are requested to deepen our investigations by working with chat, art, and music algorithms to deepen our understanding of how these tools may or may not be used, should we find funding to expand our work. Chat AI agents, then, will be an ongoing assessment of how well those technologies work which will conclude with a proposal to secure additional funding.